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recommended use
SBL Magico Advanced Antimicrobial Coatings, is a unique & revolutionary Polyurethane based coating, developed and introduced in India for the first time that can coat any surface with recommended procedure. This can be applied on any Precoated Surface to make it safe from microbes by killing and inhibiting the growth of microbes any further on surfaces.
application guidelines
Direction for Use- (1) Surface Preparation: For fresh/new surfaces, clean the surface thoroughly with suitable emery paper. Keep the surface free from oil, grease, moisture, dust and dirt. (2) For pre-painted surfaces: Strip all the old paint and remove all the loose particles with suitable emery paper. Keep the surface free from oil, grease, moisture, dust and dirt before application. (3) Direction for application: Mix the paint base and hardener in ratio (B: H :: 4:1) and dilute it with Magico Thinner (for Spray 20-30%, for Brush 5-10%) and use this mixture within 3 hours. Precautions (1) This is a two-component product. Ensure recommended mixing proportions of Base, Hardener and Thinner and apply within the specified pot life. Film properties to be checked after maturity of film varying from 3 to 7 days. (2) Use recommended SBL primer or sealer if required, final shade may slight vary with and without primer or sealer. Refer the application guideline for more information. (3) Suitable Preventive measures should be taken when temperature falls below 10°C or rises above 40°C and when Relative Humidity is above 85%. Coating supplier should be consulted for necessary action. (4) Spray and brush equipment should be immediately clean with solvent after application. (5) Proper method of substrate cleaning and pre-treatment is required before application. (6) Use the mixed paint within the stipulated pot life of thinned material. Avoid part mixing, and tightly close container lid after (7) The paint containers are required to be stored in cool, dry and covered condition, away from heat and ignition. Safety Guidelines Care should be taken to avoid inhalation of spray mist or vapor as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes.
- Specific Gravity0.98 ± 0.03
- % NVM40 ± 2
- Viscosity @ 30°C B4 Sec.50 ± 10
- Type of HardenerAliphatic
- % NVM Hardener45 ± 2
- Mixing Ratio (B : H )4 : 1
- % Thinner intake for spray application25-35
- % Thinner intake for brush application5-10
- Application Viscosity for spray application; Sec B418 ± 2
- Application Viscosity for brush application; Sec B440 ± 10
- Surface Dry (minutes) 15-20
- Tack Free3-4 Hours
- Hard DryOver Night
- Forced Drying80°C / 30 Min.
- Dry Film Thickness (DFT)20 – 30 µ
- Adhesion0/25
- Acid (0.1 N H2SO4) & Alkali (0.1 N NaOH) Test24 Hours
- Acetone Rub(No.)50
- Xylene Rub(No.) 50
- Flexibility (on MS substrate)6mm
- QUV500 Hours
- Salt Spray on direct MS 100 Hours
- SST on MS Primer ,Base Coat Clear Coat System500 Hours
- ColourClear Glossy , Clear Matt
- Packing1/4